COMPUTER AND ELECTRONICS LIQUIDATIONDid you know that your current surplus technology may still be valuable to others? Our team of experts evaluates market trends to locate buyers willing to pay top dollar for your used equipment. Find out what your IT assets are worth...
E-WASTE RECYCLING AND DISPOSALEnvironmental laws are changing every day. Knowing how to correctly dispose of used equipment can avoid costly fines and help to improve your corporate image. See how Emergent Group makes technology recycling easier…
IT ASSET RECOVERYTechnology refresh cycles are notorious for being a drain on IT personnel. Inventorying, storage, and disposal of obsolete equipment can prove troublesome. But, working with the right partner makes the entire process faster and more productive. Learn more about how Emergent’s IT Recovery and Refresh services can help...
DATA DESTRUCTIONTechnology refresh cycles are notorious for being a drain on IT personnel. Inventorying, storage, and disposal of obsolete equipment can prove troublesome. But, working with the right partner makes the entire process faster and more productive. Learn more about how Emergent’s IT Recovery and Refresh services can help...